Wednesday, 9 June 2010

Becki's Vegetable Patch - gardening CAN be interesting!!!

Hi, my name is Becki and my blog is: 

This began as a diary by a complete gardening beginner of how we transformed our country garden in Malvern. It has blossomed into a blog all about what we learnt, beautiful gardens created by other people, and hints and tips on anything from what flowers to choose to how to keep chickens.

I love to write, I love to garden, I love to shop and I really enjoy giving people inspiration and ideas for how to improve the green spaces around them. Take a look, hopefully it will inspire you to do the same!


  1. hi becky i love growing my own and have recently moved into a house with a much bigger garden, so im having to give up my lottie and i'm going to grow from home (as keeping both garden and lottie would just be too much hard work)
    i'm following your blog it looks fab :)

  2. Thank you so much Deanne, if you have any successes or do anything in your garden that you are especially proud of send me some pictures and a little explanation and I will post it on my blog! Glad you like it! Becki x x

  3. p.s my email address is x
